To take part in this international contest, a country can become a member of the European Association of Landscape and Flowers (AEFP), which has its headquarters in Belgium.
Membership would be through the organisation, institute or government department that organises a national, country wide competition with similar aims to Entente Florale.
Alternatively, it is possible to enter the competition as an associate member ie. a public body, municipality or local community group.
Two or three participants national winners from the previous year, (generally one from each category of village, town or city), from each country can be entered to the international contest.
Currently, countries taking part are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Ireland.
Organisations representing their country and considering membership may send an observer for one year on the judging assessment tour. This will be at their own expense of travel and accommodation.
Applications are made by the national organisation in charge of the competition or independently by application directly to AEFP Europe.
There are three categories, every member country can put forward 2/3 entries from two different categories.
Notification of entrants from existing members should reach the Secretariat before the 15th of January.
About all details of
1. Arrangements for Entry.
2. Preparation for the Judging Tour.
3. Requirements for the Assessment Programme.
4. Recommended Timings for the Assessment Programme.
5. Appointment and Formal arrangements of the Jury.
6. Duties of Jury Members.
7. Jury Marking Guidance Notes.
8. Green list- most important deadlines
9. Judging Criteria.
please see our EFE Regulations and Guidelines.